Since 1979...

We support public health care

We are a coalition of frontline health care workers, community groups and experts.

SOS Medicare
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    The Canadian Health Coalition advocates for the preservation and improvement of universal public health care across Canada.

    Tommy Douglas wrote “Unless there is a concerted effort to apply pressure on the Federal and Provincial governments, the erosion of Medicare will continue unabated and might even be accelerated. Our best hope lies in the Canadian Health Coalition…for the preservation and extension of Medicare.”


    Speaking out for public health care


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    Protect public health care

    Take action by supporting our work to protect and safeguard public health care in Canada. Every donation makes a difference.

    $24,845 of $30,000 raised


    What we have been thinking and doing

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    Rethinking labour in long-term care

    Long-term care homes can be places of joy for residents, workers and families
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    Health care and profit-making should not go together

    Montreal health care firm under creditor protection reveals risks of privatization
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    It’s time for national standards for safe long-term care, says Health Coalition

    Coalition leaders sign open letter to Health Minister
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    Former Canadian Health Coalition chair honoured with Bread & Roses Award

    “We fight for bread, to feed our families, and we fight for roses to nourish our souls," said Pauline Worsfold, RN
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    Manitoba nurses bracing for cuts

    Could Manitoba's nurses face higher nurse-patient loads?
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    Is Doug Ford ready for Dr. Jane Philpott?

    I read her book – here’s what’s in store for Ontario’s Premier
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    Striking postal workers unable to pay for their medicine furthers the case for pharmacare

    Canada Post management cut striking workers off their private drug coverage
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    Calgary family struggling to pay for insulin wants Alberta to support pharmacare

    Alberta doctor calls on Alberta to talk with feds on pharmacare