Webinar: Work, study, pay taxes, but don’t get sick
Join us for the launch of the report, “Work, Study, Pay Taxes, But Don’t Get Sick: Barriers to Health Care Based on Immigration Status,” by Emilio Rodriguez of Citizens for Public Justice and Tracy Glynn with the Canadian Health Coalition on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 12 noon ET on Zoom.

With special guests –
Deepan Budlakoti is an Ottawa resident who cannot access health care because the federal government refuses to recognize his citizenship. The Canadian Health Coalition joins other human rights organizations and labour unions in supporting the restoration of Deepan’s citizenship.
Kerian Burnett is a seasonal farm worker from Jamaica who is fighting to access health care in Nova Scotia for her cancer treatments. Support Kerian’s Gofundme campaign to pay for cancer treatments.
Emilio Rodriguez is the Refugee Rights Policy Analyst with Citizens for Public Justice. Citizens for Public Justice is committed to social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. CPJ’s work focuses on three key policy areas: poverty in Canada, climate justice, and refugee and migrant rights.
Share the Facebook event page.
For more information, contact Tracy Glynn at tglynn@healthcoalition.ca.