Webinar: Pharma profits or health justice?
This webinar, hosted by CUPE, will explore how Big Pharma is working to undermine the accessibility and affordability of needed medicines. Learn about how the Pharma lobby in Canada will impact the creation of a national public prescription drug plan. CUPE is a member of the Canadian Health Coalition.
We must push our government to put the public interest at the heart of prescription drug research, development, production, and access.
Pharma profits or health justice? Act now for universal pharmacare
- Frédéric Brisson, CUPE Regional Vice-President, Quebec, on what workers need from pharmacare and the shortcomings of the hybrid model in Quebec.
- Elizabeth Kwan, Senior Researcher at the Canadian Labour Congress, on the importance of the current political moment and why big pharmaceutical and insurance companies are rooting for a hybrid system.
- Colleen Fuller, researcher, writer and activist with a focus on health and pharmaceutical policy, on the role Canada could play in health justice here and abroad through public research, development and production of lifesaving medicines and vaccines.
- Aditya Rao, Senior Research Officer at CUPE will moderate the discussion.
- Special guest Don Davies, NDP Critic for Health, MP for Vancouver Kingsway.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 7:00 PM ET

This webinar is organized by CUPE and is endorsed by the Canadian Health Coalition, Council of Canadians, and Canadian Doctors for Medicare.