Medical Devices with Artificial Intelligence
Attend this important event sponsored by our partners at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society.
On Monday, 8 November 11:30 AM –1:00 PM ET join a free webinar: The Regulation of Medical Devices with Artificial Intelligence. Michael Da Silva is joined in discussion by Marc Lamoureux and Dr. Devin Singh, followed by Q&A with the audience. Moderated by Professor Colleen M. Flood. All are welcome!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will potentially transform the Canadian healthcare system. The hope is that AI will enable more accurate and efficient care, thereby solving many access, quality, and safety problems. Yet the use of health-related AI also presents risks, including the possibility of unsafe AI harming patients, algorithmic bias, and threats to privacy. These considerations jointly present challenges for existing regulatory frameworks. For instance, it can be difficult to assess the safety of a medical device with AI if the AI will ‘adapt’ over time in response to real-world data and change its operations in ways that even developers cannot predict. Health Canada is accordingly in the process of revising its rules on the regulation of medical devices with ‘adaptive’ machine learning AI.
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