Greg Marchildon on the principle of public administration in health care
Join the Canadian Health Coalition’s Anne Lagacé Dowson in conversation with thinkers of each of the 5 principles of the Canada Health Act in a webinar series.
Our last webinar of the series features Greg Marchildon on the principle of public administration on June 17 at 7:00 PM EST on Zoom.

Gregory Marchildon is a founder of the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, a collaborative partnership of researchers promoting evidence-based decisions, based at the University of Toronto. He is a former Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Economic History at the University of Regina, and the executive director and lead drafter of the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (the Romanow Commission). He is the author with Katherine Fierlbeck of The Boundaries of Medicare. In 2022, he was appointed to the Order of Canada.
In cased you missed one of our previous webinars, you can watch the webinars on our Youtube channel.
The webinar series will set the stage for the Canada Health Act at 40 Research Roundtable, co-hosted by the Canadian Health Coalition and the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, happening on June 20 at the University of Ottawa. Register for the Research Roundtable here.
Tracy Glynn is the National Director of Projects and Operations for the Canadian Health Coalition